
The world is made up of many colors, and each color was perfectly matched with its intended object or person. Colors make life appear more beautiful, but many have turned those colors into a way to separate the human race and BROWN was turned into one of the least.
For many years they have tried to step over us and crush us, and as a brown man born in Mexico City, MX and raised is Los Angeles Ca, I have seen, felt and lived through the hate and disgust that people show towards us and I have survived and regardless of how others treat me, I show nothing but love and respect to all races, creeds and cultures.
I created BROWN N PROUD as a way to show the beauty of our culture to the rest of the world and to bring empowerment to those who feel weak and alone in our society.
I have not created this movement as a way to make us greater than anyone else since WE ARE ALL EQUAL, but only to express our culture and bring every color together.
"I am as brown as the dirt where I was formed from, as brown as the soil where trees grow and where flowers bloom. They call us the minority, but we are the strong foundation that makes our country great. I AM BROWN N PROUD."
- Carlos A. Guzman
Brown is more then a color, ITS OUR CULTURA